
Publication of Final Report: Visual Perception under Energy-Efficient Light Sources – Detection of the Stroboscopic Effect under Low Levels of SVM

The SSL Annex is pleased to publish today the Final Report for a research project that examined visual perception associated with temporal light modulation, and more specifically the stroboscopic effect. An interim draft report on this study was published in December 2018, and it has since been extended in sample size and in the scope of analysis and has undergone peer review.

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European Lighting Regulation Published in the OJEU

The European Commission published the new ecodesign and energy labelling regulations that apply to all lighting products in Europe. Called the “One Lighting Regulation”, the scope of coverage applies to all light sources – incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, high intensity discharge and solid-state lighting sources. The regulations set out mandatory quality and performance requirements as well as labelling, informational and product registry database requirements.

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DTU-SSL Annex Seminar

The IEA 4E SSL Annex and the Danish Technical University (DTU) worked together to plan a one-day seminar covering recent research on health and testing, including topics such as temporal light modulation and lifetime. The seminar also covered the new EU energy label for lighting and the product registry database.

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Interlaboratory Comparison 2017 – Publication of Nucleus Lab Comparison Report

As part of the work of the Interlaboratory Comparison 2017 (IC 2017), the SSL Annex has today published the Nucleus Laboratory Comparison Report. This report presents the results of a comparison between the Korea Institute of Lighting and ICT (KILT), Korea, and Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais (LNE), France. This work was conducted to verify their measurement uncertainties and to bring equivalence of their measurements of the IC 2017 artefacts. Based on the results of this comparison, the correction factors for equivalence of measurements by the two Nucleus Laboratories as prescribed in IC 2017 Technical Protocol were determined.

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