Who Are 4E Members

Governments with effective, mature, energy efficiency programmes covering a diverse range of appliances and equipment.

National and regional governments are represented by entities responsible for energy efficiency policy.

Latest From The IEA

The International Energy Agency (IEA) works with governments and industry to shape a secure and sustainable energy future for all.

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Air Conditioners

The accurate and repeatable testing of products is a basic requirement for energy efficiency programmes and therefore improving tests for variable capacity air conditioners & heat pumps is important. It is particularly timely given the growth in these types of products. 4E is examining potential changes to relevant test procedures culminating in a round robin within 4E countries which will be completed at the end of 2022.


Energy-using Systems

As part of an ongoing investigation, 4E launched a new project in 2021 to better understand the real and current barriers to regulatory policies for systems in 4E jurisdictions. Based on three case studies, the project will focus on Australia, Canada, the EU and Japan.
Additionally, the project will quantify the total savings potential from the implementation of policies for energy-using systems.


Pathways for zero-carbon-ready buildings

This report provides the strategic vision of experts from the IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) on how to help achieve some of the most impactful short-term milestones for the buildings sector outlined in the IEA’s Net


Appliances & Equipment

Growth in energy use by household appliances shows no signs of decelerating, yet only one-third of appliance energy use today is covered by mandatory performance standards.


Demand Response

Like other forms of traditional flexibility, demand-side flexibility is largely centralised and restricted to large industrial or commercial consumers. 2019 was a mixed year for demand-response …