
Contact Details

Would you like to receive regular IEA 4E SSLC Platform updates?

Please send your name, organisation, title, country, and email address to [email protected]

Manager, SSLC Platform

Nils Borg
Borg & Co.
Stockholm, Sweden
T: +46 70 585 31 74
E: [email protected]


Deputy Manager, SSLC Platform

Michael Scholand, L.C.
M2S2 Energy
London, UK
T: +44 7931 701 568
E: [email protected]


Management Committee Chair, SSLC Platform

Prof. Georges Zissis, Chair
Head of Light & Matter Research Group
Universite Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
T: +33 5 61 55 69 96
E: [email protected]


Management Committee Deputy Chair, SSLC Platform

Dr. Peter Bennich
Principal Adviser, Energy Efficiency
Swedish Energy Agency
T: +46 16 544 22 78
E:  [email protected]