Highlight: European Commission (EC) becomes new PECTA member

The European Commission has officially joined IEA 4E PECTA. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for PECTA, as the EC is now also supporting PECTA efforts in the field of wide bandgap related applications. In addition, a new PECTA newsletter will be released soon, highlighting the latest updates!

PECTA is cooperative partner of the ECPE workshop

The Eco-Design Approaches of Power Electronics event will be held on November 26, 2024, in Grenoble, France. For more details, please visit the ECPE webpage (link below).

ECPE Workshop Information & Registration
PECTA 2nd term officially started!

PECTA successfully completed its first term in February 2024 and began its second term in March 2024.

Power Electronic Conversion Technology Platform

The Power Electronic Conversion Technology Platform (PECTA) is one of four Platforms (EDNA, EMSA, SSLC and PECTA) within the IEA 4E TCP (Technology Collaboration Program of Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment) and was launched in March 2019.

The overall goal of PECTA includes collecting and analysing information about new wide band gap (WBG) based power electronic devices, coordinating internationally acceptable approaches that promote WBG-based power electronics and developing greater understanding and action amongst governments and policy makers.

New PECTA paper available

A new PECTA paper has been published. This paper focuses on the effects of incorporating GaN components for energy conversion on the product design and the resulting environmental impacts along the life cycle, in particular for the case of consumer chargers for electronic devices such as notebooks and mobile phones.

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Policy Brief: Application Readiness Map for Wide Band Gap (WBG) Semiconductors

This policy brief summarizes the results of the PECTA Application Readiness Map (ARM) for Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductors report and describes the expected market position through to 2035. It is based on interviews with many experts and various roadmaps and can be used as a basis for deciding, which power semiconductor technology to choose.


Optimized SiC PV Inverter

This report contains a detailed comparsion between a commercially available hybrid Si/SiC and a competitive full-SiC PV converter. The main objective was to provide a fair comparison in terms of semiconductor efficiency between both solutions.


DC Wallbox Pre Scoping Study

The 4E PECTA DC-Wallbox pre-scoping study aims to enhance understanding of DC-Wallboxes and pro-vides an overview of the current DC charging market, emphasizing the efficiencies of commercially avail-able chargers across different power levels.


About 4E

Fifteen countries from the Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America have joined together under the forum of 4E to share information and transfer experience in order to support good policy development in the field of energy efficient appliances and equipment.