Event Detail

Webinar on Lifetime Testing of Light Emitting Diodes and LED Products (European / North American time zone)

Dr. Nadarajah Narendran and Jean Paul Freyssinier from the Lighting Research Centre in Troy, New York, USA will present a summary of the results of a literature review of LED product testing from a report published by the IEA 4E SSL Annex in June 2021.  This webinar is scheduled for the Asian / Australian time zone (the same webinar will be presented later for the European/North American time zone). Please click on a link below to register for the Asian / Australian webinar.  Please note that both webinars will be recorded and the recordings will be available on our website:

Note: this time is 09h00 in Toronto/Washington DC, 14h00 in London and 15h00 in Brussels.

A new report by the IEA 4E Solid State Lighting Annex provides a look across the body of literature on lifetime definitions for LEDs and LED products. The reports looks at failure mechanisms, accelerated life tests and test methods for estimating lifetime, and provides some recommendations. There is currently no agreement as to which test method can best estimate the lifetime of LED lighting products and the report thus addresses a key issue for regulators and industry interested in deployment of LED technologies.  Please Click here to view a news item about the publication.  Please click here to download a PDF copy of the report.


May 10 2022


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Paris
  • Date: May 10 2022
  • Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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