
4E and IEA publishes Achievements of Energy Efficiency Appliance and Equipment Standards and Labelling Programmes 2021

Appliance standards and labelling are highly effective policy programmes, already saving consumers billions of dollars and avoiding Giga tonnes of CO2 emissions, each year.

The IEA with the 4E Technology Collaboration Programme, have published a new analysis report summarising the impacts of standards and labelling on energy-using appliances and equipment.

This report is a synthesis drawn from nearly 400 evaluation studies covering 100 countries, including those with the longest running and strongest appliance policies, such as China, European Union, Japan and the United States.

Dr Brian Motherway, head of Energy Efficiency at the IEA said ”The findings from the study are important as they provide evidence that standards and labelling are highly effective policy instruments that bring benefits to consumers as well as lower emissions and lower energy demand.”

Jamie Hulan, Chair of the 4E TCP said, “the message is simple: expanding standards and labelling energy efficiency programmes makes the energy transition challenge easier, more affordable and will be realised more quickly”.

The 4E TCP will continue its collaborative work with IEA and beyond, to enhance and disseminate the use of such polices.

The reports can be downloaded from the IEA website here.