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AC/HP Test Methods 2.0: Phase 4 Findings Summary

This report provides the results of a round-robin testing across multiple international laboratories to evaluate the reproducibility and representativeness of a new 4E TCP Test Method for Air conditioner/Heat Pump products to better reflect real life energy performance.


Data Centre Energy Efficiency Labels

This study explores energy efficiency labels for data centres by researching and analysing existing labelling schemes and making suggestions for the characteristics of a worldwide applicable data centre energy efficiency label.


Optimized SiC PV Inverter

This report contains a detailed comparsion between a commercially available hybrid Si/SiC and a competitive full-SiC PV converter. The main objective was to provide a fair comparison in terms of semiconductor efficiency between both solutions.


DC Wallbox Pre Scoping Study

The 4E PECTA DC-Wallbox pre-scoping study aims to enhance understanding of DC-Wallboxes and pro-vides an overview of the current DC charging market, emphasizing the efficiencies of commercially avail-able chargers across different power levels.


Reliability of electronic components and systems with WBG technology

Power electronics plays a vital role in various applications, from household devices to electric vehicles and renewable energy systems. This report, a result of the 4E PECTA Platform, covers reliability challenges at both component and system levels, discusses the state of the art in design processes, and proposes indicators for policymakers to support WBG adoption in energy applications.
