EMSA Policy Briefs
National Policies on Electric Motor Driven Systems
You can find here an overview on the current motor systems policies of the EMSA countries and the European Union.
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Programme
- Registration
- MEPS for 50 Hz electric motors from 0.73 to 185 kW, 2-4-6-8 poles (voluntary high efficiency performance standards)
- Check testing for compliance
2006 – to date (MEPS for motors in effect since 2001)
Executing organisation:
Australian Government, State and Territory Governments, New Zealand Government (E3 Committee)
Program link:
Information & training
Program name:
- Energy-using businesses identify, evaluate and report publicly on cost effective energy savings opportunities, mandatory for corporations using > 0.5 PJ/year.
- Best practice information, case studies, resource material for medium to large energy-using companies
- 2006 – to date
- 2012 – to date
Executing organisation :
Australian Government, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
Program link:
- http://www.ret.gov.au/energy/efficiency/eeo/Pages/default.aspx
- http://eex.gov.au/technologies/motors/
Financial incentives
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
EU Ecodesign requirements
See details under European Union
Information & training
Program name:
Information & training:
2004 – to date
Executing organisation:
Austrian Energy Agency (energy agency)
Program link:
www.klimaaktiv.at/effizienz (in German)
Financial incentives
Program name
- energy audits and consulting, investment support
- energy audits for SMEs
- efficient use of energy, including optimisation of motor systems
- individual
- 2009 – 2013
- ongoing
Executing organisation
- Regions: Burgenland, Kärnten, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Tirol, Vorarlberg, Wien
- Klima- und Energiefonds
- Kommunalkredit Public Consulting
Program link
- Overview (in German)
- www.kmu-scheck.at (in German)
- Overview (in German)
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
EU Ecodesign requirements
See details under European Union
Information & training
Program name:
Website with information on efficient motors
Executing organisation:
Program link:
webpage under construction
Financial incentives
Program name:
Voluntary agreements in industry on energy efficiency
Green (including CO2) tax reduction.
Companies’ commitment:
- energy management
- production and energy systems analysis
- implement energy efficiency projects with payback < 4 years
1996 – to date
Executing organisation:
Program link:
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
EU Ecodesign requirements
MEPS for motors
- IE2 since 2011
- IE3 or IE2+VSD, 7.5 kW – 375 kW from 2015
- IE3 or IE2+VSD, 0.75 kW – 375 kW from 2017
Executing organisation:
European Commission – Directorate-General for Energy
Commission Regulation (EC) No 640/2009
Legal basis:
For MEPS effective from 2021: Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1781, see details
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
EU Ecodesign requirements
See details under European Union
Information & training
Program name:
- Long Term Agreements Energy Efficiency (LTA)
- Energy Efficiency Obligation
- Knowledge network efficient electric motor systems
- Voluntary agreements. Companies commit to an energy efficiency target (2% per year), an energy efficiency plan, define measures and a timeline. The agreements are made on a sector level.
- Companies are obligated to report the energy efficiency measures taken.
- Experience exchange, audit program, workshops, tools, fact sheets, pilot projects
- 1993 – 2020
- 2011 – to date
- 2014 – to date
Executing organisation:
Netherland Enterprise Agency
Program link:
- www.rvo.nl/onderwerpen/duurzaam-ondernemen/energie-besparen/mja3-mee (Dutch)
- Energy Efficiency Obligation
- Efficient Motor Systems in industry, Knowledge Network (Dutch)
Financial incentives
Program name:
Energy Investment Allowance (EIA)
Incentive program for energy efficiency investments
2009 – to date
Executing organisation:
Program link:
See webpage EIA
Comprehensive brochure: Energy List 2019
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
- EU Ecodesign requirements
- Law on Energy Auditing in Large enterprises
- See details under European Union
- Mandatory energy audits identifying measures for, among other things, electrical motor systems
Information & training
Program name:
Sector Strategies for Energy Efficiency
Long term, together with stakeholders, 50% more efficient by 2030, all sectors
2017 – 2030
Executing organisation:
Swedish Energy Agency: national authority for energy policy issuses
Program link:
www.energimyndigheten.se/energieffektivisering/program-och-uppdrag/Sektorsstrategier-for-energieffektivisering2/ (in Swedish)
Financial incentives
Program name:
- Support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based on energy usage
- The Energy Step
- Networks, Energy Audit Supports, Regional Nodes, Technology development, Energy Services, etc.
- Designed to support the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the industry sector, large enterprises
- 2015 – 2020 (will be continued)
- 2018 – 2020 (will be continued)
Executing organisation:
Swedish Energy Agency
Program link:
Support for energy mapping in SMEs:
www.energimyndigheten.se/nrp/stod-for- energikartlaggning-i-sma-och-medelstora-foretag/ (in Swedish)
Energy efficiency networks:
www.energimyndigheten.se/nrp/natverk-for-energieffektivisering/ (in Swedish)
www.energimyndigheten.se/energieffektivisering/program-och-uppdrag/energisteget2/ (in Swedish)
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
In line with EU Ecodesign requirements for motors
See details under European Union
Executing organisation:
Swiss Federal Office of Energy (government)
Information & training
Program name:
Information & training:
- Information sheets
- Software tools
- Workshops, Motor Summit
2007 – to date
Executing organisation:
Program link:
Financial incentives
Program name:
Overview of different programs
- ProKilowatt competitive tenders
- TopFU (ProKilowatt program)
- Electric energy savings in household, industry, services sectors
- Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) retrofit program for motors
- 2010 – to date
- 2019 – 2021
Executing organisation:
- ProKilowatt c/o Cimark, mandated by Swiss Federal Office of Energy
- Impact Energy
Program link:
- www.prokw.ch (German, French)
- www.topfu.ch (German, French, Italian)
Mandatory requirements
Program name:
MEPS for 60 Hz electric motors from 1-500 hp:
- 1-200 hp: NEMA Premium efficiency (IE3) level
- 201-500 hp:NEMA Energy Efficient (IE2) level
2011 – to date (MEPS for motors in effect since 1997)
Executing organisation:
Department of Energy (government)
Legal basis:
Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA 2007)
Information & training
Program name:
- Advanced Manufacturing Office (former Industrial Technologies Program)
- Motor Decisions Matter
- training, tools, energy assessments, projects database, voluntary commitment to energy efficiency, energy management
- public awareness raising, tools, events
Executing organisation:
Department of Energy (government)
Consortium for Energy Efficiency (non-profit)
Program link:
Financial incentives
All programs can be found in the State Incentives & Resource Database: www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/states/state_activities/incentive_search.aspx
EMSA Webinars
Targeting And Implementing Efficiency Improvements
DATE: 8 October 2015
SPEAKER: Maarten van Werkhoven
Optimization of Motor Systems: the Motor Systems Tool
DATE: 15 October 2015
SPEAKER: Sandie B. Nielsen
ORGANIZATION: EMSA / Danish Technological Institute
Electric Motor Systems: the Motor Policy Toolkit
DATE: 22 October 2015
SPEAKER: Konstantin Kulterer
ORGANIZATION: EMSA / Austrian Energy Agency
Optimization of cooling systems: compressors and other power consumers
DATE: 26 November 2015
SPEAKER: Svenn Hansen
ORGANIZATION: Danish Technological Institute
Pumps & circulators: ecodesign and optimization of pump systems
DATE: 17 December 2015
SPEAKER: Sandie B. Nielsen
ORGANIZATION: Danish Technological Institute
Motor Systems Tool
Download Webinar Slides 1 of 2
Download Webinar Slides 2 of 2
Fans: ecodesign and optimisation of fan systems
DATE: 10 February 2016
SPEAKER: Morten Sandholm Madsen
ORGANIZATION: Danish Technological Institute
Other Webinars
Energy efficiency standards for improving and optimising the energy consumption of electric driven machine units
DATE: 22 November 2021
SPEAKERS: Philippe Vollet, Maarten van Werkhoven, Conrad U. Brunner
Energy efficient electric motor systems: learning from Indonesia
DATE: 19 May 2016
SPEAKERS: Lachlan Cameron, Jeffrey Sipma and Maarten van Werkhoven
ORGANIZATION: Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) / TPA advisers