
Air Conditioners

Project 2.0

In 2020, 4E commenced work on a second project that builds on the previous study and work undertaken in a number of regions to develop load-based testing regimes for air conditioners and heat pumps.

The new project comprised detailed research into issues relating to the testing of variable capacity domestic room air conditioners, including a round robin amongst laboratories selected by 4E countries.

The project ran from September 2020 to December 2024, and comprised four phases as follows:

  1.  Investigate Innovative Test Methods (see Phase 1 findings summary)
  2.  Investigative Testing of Key Issues (see Phase 2 findings summary)
  3.  Development of Load-Based Test Methodology
  4.  Round Robin Trial of Test Procedure

The final report can be downloaded from our Publications page here

Webinar on Test Methods for Residential Air Conditioners, June 2020

This webinar held jointly with the IEA and SEAD provided an overview of the findings of the 4E Report (below).  Speakers from the USA, Canada and Europe explain government initiatives in the testing of inverter AC performance and related government policies. A speaker from a major air conditioner manufacturer also provided insights into problems caused by the lack harmonisation in test methods. 

The details and presentations can be found below, including a video of the full webinar

Project 1.0

The first 4E Air Conditioner Project comprised:

  • A detailed review of test methods for room air conditioners in the different 4E economies, and the implication of any differences.
  • Identifying the efficiency metrics used in these economies, explaining what they show and how they are calculated.
  • Identifying opportunities to improve international alignment.
  • A highlight of issues around the testing of variable capacity air conditioners.

The study was conducted by the Cadeo Group between July and December 2019.

The Final Report can be downloaded here – “Domestic Air Conditioner Test Standards and Harmonization”


Workshop & Webinar

Opportunities for Improving Cooling Efficiency

Following is the Agenda and Presentations given at the 4E Cooling Workshop in China, March 29, 2019, detailing current status and development trend in policy, standards, industry, technology, etc, by country.

A webinar on Test Methods for Residential Air Conditioners was held on 30 June 2020. Discussion was based on new developments in the testing of inverter AC performance and the relationship to government policies in the USA, Canada and Europe. The details and presentations can be found below, including a video of the full webinar.