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What have we learned in the past decade?

Learnings from EDNA’s first 10 years Since 2014 EDNA has helped its 14 member countries to better understand digital technologies.  Our extensive research into how policies can both encourage ‘energy smart digital devices’, and minimise the additional

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Testing Centres Workshop

The EMSA Testing Centres group will meet on the morning of 12 September 2011 from 9.00 AM in Alexandria VA for a workshop (prior to the EEMODS conference). Download the agenda below and register by writing

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Round Robin Air Compressors EMSA has initiated the project ‘Guide to air compressor energy efficiency measurement method and small-scale Round Robin for air compressors”. The available ISO1217 standard (compressor acceptance test) is a general test standard

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Technology & Capacity Building

EMSA Policy Briefs National Policies on Electric Motor Driven Systems You can find here an overview on the current motor systems policies of the EMSA countries and the European Union. Australia Mandatory requirements Program name: Equipment

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Task G workshop: New motor technology

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess full_width_image_alt: “” latitude: “” content_width_image_alt: “” show_event_location: “1” contact_email: “” annex: electric-motor-systems category: Presentation email: “” contact_tel: “” full_width_image: “” manchet: Zurich, Switzerland tel: “” contact_postal-code: “” image_link: “” street-address: “” locality: Zurich,

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Task C workshop: Testing Centres

NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess full_width_image_alt: “” latitude: “” content_width_image_alt: “” show_event_location: “1” contact_email: “” annex: electric-motor-systems category: Presentation email: “” contact_tel: “” full_width_image: “” manchet: Zurich, Switzerland tel: “” contact_postal-code: “” image_link: “” street-address: “” locality: Zurich,

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Sweden and the European Commission joined EMSA

The 4E Electric Motor Systems Annex (EMSA) provides a platform for an in-depth technical and policy exchange between members and is a vehicle for collaborative projects. Some of its research results are made publicly available. Up

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Sustainable Buildings Workshop

The IEA will be hosting this workshop on November 12 – 13, 2014 at their offices in Paris. A major focus of the workshop will be dedicated to their buildings analytical methodology, data sources, model input

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