
Demand flexible networked appliances

Demand flexible networked appliances empower consumers and are able to react to requirements from the grid, for example to increase or decrease power consumption in response to renewable energy generation patterns, or to react to local demand constraints.
Having demand flexible appliances installed is crucial to a net zero energy grid – their potential to reduce the requirement for expensive energy storage is substantial.

During its new term (2024 to 2029) EDNA will increase its focus on demand flexible networked appliances, and has launched a dedicated workstream for these activities. The following tasks are proposed for this workstream, and links to reports and policy briefs will appear here as they are published (those marked with an asterisk are underway):

  • DF2. Appliance delivery capability
  • DF3. Total energy model
  • DF4. Product road map
  • *DF5. Cyber-security
  • Ultimate spec for appliance ancillary functionality
  • *DF6. HEMS and controllers
  • *DF8. Application of policy framework to EDNA members
  • DF7. Flex platforms
  • Interoperability solutions
  • DF9. Consumer acceptability

EDNA’s previous work in this area includes the following:

Task ID Title Publications
27 Standardisation for smart devices Report 2022

Database 2022

26 Interoperability Report 2022

Policy brief 2024

25 Emerging Battery Technologies Report 2022

Policy brief 2023

22 Are we getting the best out of Smart Home Technologies?  The role of usability Report 2021
21 Guide to energy management protocols Report 2022

Policy brief 2024

19 Retrofitting connectivity for energy benefits Report 2021

Policy brief 2024

18 Harnessing IoT for energy benefits Report 2021

Policy brief 2024

16 Energy applications within IoT and digitalisation strategies Report 2020

Policy brief 2021

15 Roadmap for consumer devices to participate in demand flexibility Report 2020

Policy brief 2021

14 Policy guidance for smart, energy-saving consumer devices Report 2020

Policy brief 2021

1 Own Energy Consumption of Smart Metering Infrastructure and Energy Monitoring Systems Report 2016
The role of connected devices in the digitalisation of the energy system Policy Brief 2020
Encouraging Intelligent Efficiency: Study of Policy Opportunities Report 2017
Intelligent Efficiency: a Case Study of Barriers and Solutions – Smart Homes Report 2018

Policy brief 2018

Energy Efficiency of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: Scoping study Report 2017
Energy Aware Devices Report 2016

Policy brief 2018