Policy Brief – Standby Power in Televisions – GERMAN

This briefing tracks the success of 4E Annex member governments and others in reducing the standby power consumed by televisions. Television standby power consumption has reduced around the world,demonstrating that government-lead global efficiency targets can be met by industry.

Policy Brief – Standby Power in Televisions – JAPAN

This briefing tracks the success of 4E Annex member governments and others in reducing the standby power consumed by televisions. Television standby power consumption has reduced around the world,demonstrating that government-lead global efficiency targets can be met by industry.

Policy Brief – Standby Power in Televisions – KOREAN

This briefing tracks the success of 4E Annex member governments and others in reducing the standby power consumed by televisions. Television standby power consumption has reduced around the world,demonstrating that government-lead global efficiency targets can be met by industry.

Policy Brief – Standby Power in Televisions – FRENCH

This briefing tracks the success of 4E Annex member governments and others in reducing the standby power consumed by televisions. Television standby power consumption has reduced around the world,demonstrating that government-lead global efficiency targets can be met by industry.

Policy Brief – Standby Power in Televisions – ENGLISH

This briefing tracks the success of 4E Annex member governments and others in reducing the standby power consumed by televisions. Television standby power consumption has reduced around the world,demonstrating that government-lead global efficiency targets can be met by industry.

What has the Standby Annex Achieved 2009-2011?

Summary of Major Achievements of the Standby Annex 2009-2011. Alignment of data collection methodology provides policy makers with baseline information and a tool which can assist in the design, monitoring and evaluation of different policy approaches