PECTA participation at EPE conference 2023 in Aalborg
PECTA is the official institutional partner of the EPE conference 2023. There will be several PECTA sessions from September 5th – 7th, 2023, presenting all PECTA’s research and policy making work.
PECTA Operating Agent Documents
Documents Area This Restricted Area is for the private use of members of PECTA, it can be used to download and upload files of importance.
PECTA Industry Advisory Group Documents
Documents Area This Restricted Area is for the private use of members of PECTA, it can be used to download and upload files of importance.
PECTA Homepage and Logo
The PECTA webpage is now accessible via the 4E homepage.
PECTA goes PCIM 2020
In July 2020 PECTA got the chance to present its latest results at europeans largest power electronics conference and exhibition – PCIM Europe.
PECTA General Overview
Factsheet and General Overview PECTA “2nd Term” (2024 – 2029):Please click on the link below to download the pdf-version of upcoming tasks (Version of March 2024): General_Overview_Tasks_PECTA2ndTerm.pdf PECTA “1st Term” (2019 – 2024): PECTA “Established
PECTA Expert Workshop 2022
With 4 supporting countries and over 40 industry and academic experts the IEA – 4E [1] Power Electronic Conversion Technology Annex – PECTA [2] is moving forward with its ambitious work plan and its 6 established
PECTA Expert Workshop
With a total of 4 supporting countries, and over 35 industry and academic experts the IEA – 4E [1] Power Electronic Conversion Technology Annex – PECTA [2] moves forward into its Established phase (phase 2), and
PECTA Documents
Documents Area This Restricted Area is for the private use of members of PECTA, it can be used to download and upload files of importance.
PECTA attending the Motor Summit 2020
PECTA chair Roland Brüniger shared latest PECTA results with the motor community at the Motor Summit 2020.
PECTA Academic Advisory Group Documents
Documents Area This Restricted Area is for the private use of members of PECTA, it can be used to download and upload files of importance.
PECTA 2023 EPE ECCE – Session 3
Chair: Christian Holm Christiansen Topic: PECTA: policy issues, standards and outlook 15:00 Welcome & Get-Together Christian Holm Christiansen, Session-Chair 15:05 Policy measures to drive WBG for end use equipment applications B. Hansen Tek-Info (40”) 15:45 Switching
PECTA 2023 EPE ECCE – Session 2
Chair: Peter Bennich Topic: Efficiency and ecological impacts of WBG appliances 15:40 Welcome & Get-Together Peter Bennich, Session-Chair 15:45 Environmental aspects and impacts of WBG technology (SiC and GaN) S. Glaser / R. Pamminger TU Wien
PECTA 2023 EPE ECCE – Session 1
Chair: Markus Makoschitz Topic: PECTA and the WBG Landscape 15:40 Welcome & Get-Together Markus Makoschitz, Session-Chair 15:50 PECTA: General Overview R. Brueniger, PECTA Chair (CH) (35”) Introduction on the agenda of the 3 PECTA days What
Optimized SiC PV Inverter
This report contains a detailed comparsion between a commercially available hybrid Si/SiC and a competitive full-SiC PV converter. The main objective was to provide a fair comparison in terms of semiconductor efficiency between both solutions.
OECD Copenhagen
Together with the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, National IT and Telecom Agency, the OECD Directorate for Science and Technology, Information and Communications Policy Division, is organising a workshop entitled Workshop on ICTs and
Nord Led
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” tel: “” full_width_image_alt: “” content_width_image: “” annex: solid-state-lighting locality: Copenhagen, Denmark contact_email: “” postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” organisation_url: “” contact_tel: “” content_width_image_alt: “” category: Workshop other_event_type: “” latitude: “”