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Policy Brief: Application Readiness Map for Wide Band Gap (WBG) Semiconductors

This policy brief summarizes the results of the PECTA Application Readiness Map (ARM) for Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductors report and describes the expected market position through to 2035. It is based on interviews with many experts and various roadmaps and can be used as a basis for deciding, which power semiconductor technology to choose.


Optimized SiC PV Inverter

This report contains a detailed comparsion between a commercially available hybrid Si/SiC and a competitive full-SiC PV converter. The main objective was to provide a fair comparison in terms of semiconductor efficiency between both solutions.


DC Wallbox Pre Scoping Study

The 4E PECTA DC-Wallbox pre-scoping study aims to enhance understanding of DC-Wallboxes and pro-vides an overview of the current DC charging market, emphasizing the efficiencies of commercially avail-able chargers across different power levels.


Reliability of electronic components and systems with WBG technology

Power electronics plays a vital role in various applications, from household devices to electric vehicles and renewable energy systems. This report, a result of the 4E PECTA Platform, covers reliability challenges at both component and system levels, discusses the state of the art in design processes, and proposes indicators for policymakers to support WBG adoption in energy applications.


Analysis and Loss Measurements of WBG-Based Devices

Commercial power supplies with wide-bandgap (WBG) Technology promise enhanced efficiency. PECTA analyzes WBG-based devices, supported by Swiss research, focusing on measurement concepts, loss assessments, and a deep understanding of the WBG device benefits.


Application Readiness Map for Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductors

The Power Electronic Conversion Technology Annex (PECTA) Application Readiness Map for Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductors describes their expected market position through 2035. It is based on interviews with many experts and various roadmaps and could be used as a basis for deciding which power semiconductor technology to choose. This report presents an updated version and the underlying assumptions.


EPE Paper – Identifying the potential of SiC technology for PV inverters

Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices offer energy efficiency improvements over conventional silicon (Si) semiconductors. Through measurements and simulation results, this paper intends to quantify this efficiency improvement in a typical photovoltaic (PV) application. This allows designers and policy makers to better understand the benefits of SiC, enabling more informed decisions.


EPE Paper – Measurement of WBG-based power supplies

This paper discusses different measurement methods to evaluate the efficiency of WBG-based power supply solutions, including electrical measurement methods and their verification with calorimetric methods, and compares the performance of Si-based and GaN-based chargers.


EPE Paper – Looking beyond energy efficiency – Environmental aspects and impacts of WBG devices and applications over their life cycle

The environmental aspects and impacts of wide bandgap (WBG) materials such as Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) in specific end-use electronic applications and products have not yet been fully investigated. The design trade-offs and comparison of WBG with classic Silicon based technology for the same applications, with a life cycle thinking perspective, are only starting to emerge.


EPE Paper – Application Readiness Map for WBG-Semiconductor-Based Applications

The Power Electronic Conversion Technology Annex (PECTA) application readiness map for Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors describes their expected market position up to 2035. It is based on interviews with many experts and different roadmaps and could be used as one basis to decide which power semiconductor technology to choose. This paper presents an updated version and the underlying assumptions.


Design Aspects and Environmental Impacts of Wide Band Gap Based Semiconductor Technology in Chargers for Electronic Devices

This paper presents the outcomes of the work from PECTA Task B, Energy and environmental related Life Cycle Assessment, conducted between January 2022 and February 2023. See more information under: https://www.iea-4e.org/pecta/tasks/. This paper focuses on the effects of incorporating GaN components for energy conversion on the product design and the resulting environmental impacts along the life cycle, in particular for the case of consumer chargers for electronic devices such as notebooks and mobile phones. The
