The Power Electronic Conversion Technology Platform (PECTA) is one of four Platforms (EDNA, EMSA, SSL and PECTA) within the IEA 4E TCP (Technology Collaboration Program of Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment) and was launched in march 2019. Currently (June 2024), there are 3 governments sponsoring PECTA:
- Denmark – Christian Holm Christiansen, [email protected] (Vice-Chair)
- Sweden – Peter Bennich, [email protected] (Chair-Supporter)
- Switzerland – Roland Brüniger, [email protected] (Chair)
Overall Goal of PECTA
The overall goal of PECTA includes collecting and analysing information about new wide bandgap (WBG) based power electronic devices, coordinating internationally acceptable approaches that promote WBG-based power electronics and developing greater understanding and action amongst governments and policy makers
Specific Goals
- Collecting and analysing information on new WBG-based power electronics as energy efficient technology
- Share expertise and pool resources on this energy efficient technology (also including e.g. hosting of open forums and building collaborative networks as well as gathering and exchange information)
- Coordinating internationally acceptable government approaches that promote WBG-based power electronics.
- Developing greater understanding and promote government actions that encourage the use of WBG-based power electronics.
- Accompanying and supportinginternational standardization public organizations (specifically IEC).
Further Information
If you are interested in a more detailed description of both mission and vision of PECTA please click on the link below:
For further information and questions please do not hesitate to contact
Platform Manager
Markus Makoschitz (AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology)
Giefinggasse 2, Vienna – Austria
[email protected]