
Presentations from ‘Saving More Energy Through Compliance’ Conference now available.

Presentations from the ‘Saving More Energy Through Compliance’ Conference are now available for downloading from this site. 

Over 100 Government officials, industry representatives and compliance experts came together in London from the 14-16 September 2010. They discussed opportunities to optimise and safeguard the energy and greenhouse gas savings from standards and labelling programs (S&L) that are the cornerstone of most national energy efficiency policies.

The Conference was organised by the IEA 4E (Implementing Agreement for Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment) in partnership with CLASP (Collaborative Labeling and Standards Program) and hosted in London by the UK Governments’ Defra (Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). The Conference focussed on ways to improve compliance with over 1,300 mandatory and voluntary energy efficiency standards that are estimated to save more than 400 TWh each year – approximately equivalent to the total electricity consumed by all homes in the United Kingdom and Japan combined. These standards cover a wide range of products including light bulbs, refrigerators, industrial motors and televisions.

Conference participants met to examine the procedures used by individual programmes to monitor, verify and enforce (MV&E) energy efficiency regulations, acknowledging these mechanisms are vital in achieving energy savings. The value of the energy saved as a consequence of investing in these procedures will far outweigh the cost.