Interlaboratory Comparison for Goniophotometers (IC 2017)

The final report from the IEA 4E Solid State Lighting Annex’s 2017 Interlaboratory comparison (IC 2017). This comparison had 36 participating laboratories from 19 countries with a total of 42 goniophotometric instruments, the largest interlaboratory comparison of such equipment ever undertaken. This comparison investigated the level of agreement in measurements of SSL products by various […]

2013 Interlaboratory Comparison – Final Report

The measurement data from 110 laboratories worldwide are included in this final report of IC 2013. In addition, there are 13 more sets of data included, as some laboratories submitted two or more

Summary Report of Nucleus Laboratory Comparison

In 2012, the Annex completed its first set of tests designed to confirm the competence and equivalence of the “nucleus laboratories” which are NIST (USA), NLTC (China), VSL (The Netherlands), and AIST, NMIJ (Japan)