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Quality and Performance Requirements for LED Lighting Products – Public Review Draft

The IEA-4E SSL Annex is updating the voluntary quality and performance requirements which address product attributes such as colour, lifetime, power, and efficacy for common SSL lamps and luminaires. The product performance requirements offer a limited number of performance levels, agreed upon by IEA SSL Annex members, that could be utilised by government, non-profit and donor agencies when designing programmes and policies. The objective is to provide a limited number of levels that can be utilised by programme designers to reduce costs of writing specifications and to facilitate economic advantages for industry/trade.

The SSL Annex is today posting its draft update of the Quality and Performance Requirements for LED Lighting Products for public review and comment.  All comments are due by 25 January 2021.  Please submit comments to [email protected]

Click this link to download the report:  Task_6_LED_Lighting_Product_Quality___Performance_-_Nov_2020