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International Lighting Seminar: Metrology, Lifetime, Health and Smart Sustainable Lighting – All Slides and Presentations Online

London, UK

On 14th May, the SSLC Platform organised an international lighting seminar at Senate House, University of College London.  The slides and video recordings from this seminar are now available on our website.

This event offered lighting experts and stakeholders a unique opportunity to learn about the work of the SSL Annex’s international experts.  The seminar included presentations on a range of topics including a new Interlaboratory Comparison on Temporal Light Modulation (commonly known as flicker); research into new test methods and metrics; a literature review of health effects associated with lighting; the opportunity and impact on energy consumption of smart lighting; and a recent life-cycle assessment comparing linear fluorescent lamps and LED tubes.

The event was moderated by Professor Georges Zissis, Chair, IEA 4E SSLC Platform, La Place University Toulouse and Nils Borg, Manager, IEA 4E SSLC Platform, Stockholm, Sweden.

Speakers in this International Lighting Seminar included:

  • Dr Yoshi Ohno, NIST Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
  • Carsten Dam Hansen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
  • Steve Coyne, Light Naturally, Australia
  • Christophe Martinsons, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), France
  • Casper Kofod, Director, Energy Piano, Denmark
  • Michael Scholand, Deputy Manager, IEA 4E SSLC Platform

Please click on this link to view the video recordings of each of the presentations and PDF copies of the slides.


About the IEA 4E SSLC Platform.  The SSLC Platform is managed by six countries (Australia, Denmark, France, South Korea, Sweden and the UK) within the framework of the IEA’s 4E (Energy Efficient End-use Equipment) technology co-operation, in which some 15 countries participate. The SSLC Platform is actively working to develop information and analysis to transform lighting markets, improving both the energy efficiency and quality of our illuminated spaces.  The SSLC Platform member governments bring together top researchers and experts from around the world to jointly address challenges in the rapidly evolving lighting market. The activities undertaken by the SSLC Platform are complementary and supportive of the work of governments, international standardisation bodies, and the research & development being conducted by industry and academia. Through this work, the SSLC Platform is working to accelerate the global transition to solid state lighting and controls.