The outputs of the IEA 4E Mapping and Benchmarking annex will, over time, be numerous. The current workplan is to assess the markets for the following products:
1 Domestic cold appliances
2 Televisions
3 Washing Machines
4 Air Conditioners
5 General Service Lighting
6 Laundry Dryers
7 Domestic water heaters
8 Notebook computers
9 Integral retail display cabinets
10 Refrigerated vending machines
11 Desktop PCs
12 Computer monitors
13 Complex Set top boxes
14 Dishwashers
For each product that is analysed there will be a product definition, a mapping document for each country that participates in the analysis (along with any supporting documentation for those countries) and a benchmarking report.
In order to make all of this documentation more easily accessible to policymakers and other interested parties, we have constructed a matrix mechanism on the website. It’s simple to see which products have been analysed for which countries and to click straight through to the relevant information. Alternatively, you can click on one of the countries along the top of the matrix or the products down the side to see all documents related to the relevant country or product.
Some of the documents are available through the matrix will require a login and password to view but over time as more documents are signed off for public release the matrix will provide a rich resource for policymakers.
The first publications have now been signed off for domestic cold appliances and these are available to view now with others to follow shortly. You can view the publications by clicking the button below.