This month saw the publication of the latest full Benchmarking report from the Mapping and Benchmarking Annex. This report describes trends in standby power for new product sales of ten household products, with a particular focus on televisions. It is the result of collaboration between the IEA 4E Annexes on Standby and on Mapping and Benchmarking.
This report is drawn from over 26,000 measurements of standby performance data covering samples of 156 different product types, all being new products at the date of measurement. It focuses on the top ten products/categories from that data set for which the most data were available. These together account for over 70% of the total data set (nearly 17,000 product measurements):
- Televisions
- Home audio
- Washing machines
- Microwave ovens
- DVD and Blu-ray players/recorders
- Computer displays
- Notebook PCs
- External power supply (EPS)
- MFD (multifunction devices)
- Set top boxes (STB)
As an example output, television data show a consistent and significant reduction of average standby in new products from over 4W in 2000 to well under 1W by 2011. For seven of the remaining nine products/ categories analysed, average standby power has been less than 3W since 2007 in all countries for which data are available. The two higher standby power products are set top boxes (up to 25W) and home audio (up to 5W) for some countries in recent years.