Workshop on International Standards for Energy Efficiency
A flyer with further information can be viewed here. Or the following link directs you to the dedicated website: This event is by invitation only. Registration deadline is 10 February 2014, the registration link can
What have we learned in the past decade?
Learnings from EDNA’s first 10 years Since 2014 EDNA has helped its 14 member countries to better understand digital technologies. Our extensive research into how policies can both encourage ‘energy smart digital devices’, and minimise the additional
Water Heaters Benchmarking published
The benchmarking report for the international comparison of water heater performance is now available for review. The products and regulatory policies compared are those recently available in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, and the USA.
Washing machines benchmarking report published
The final analysis of the Comparative Performance of washing machines (clothes washers) in ten countries internationally is now available to download.
Washing machines benchmarking report published
The final analysis of the Comparative Performance of washing machines (clothes washers) in ten countries internationally is now available to download.
Updated refrigeration report published
The latest Annex benchmarking report which is an international comparison of the energy performance of refrigerator-freezers and freezers is now available. This is an update of an Annex report published in 2010. It examines variations in the scope and stringency of national minimum performance levels and other policies and shows key differences in product performance between countries over the 1996-2011 period.
The outputs matrix is switched on
A simple-to-navigate matrix of outputs from the IEA 4E Mapping and Benchmarking Annex is now available
Televisions Energy performance analysed
Benchmarking of Comparative Performance of Televisions Internationally now published
Task G workshop: New motor technology
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess full_width_image_alt: “” latitude: “” content_width_image_alt: “” show_event_location: “1” contact_email: “” annex: electric-motor-systems category: Presentation email: “” contact_tel: “” full_width_image: “” manchet: Zurich, Switzerland tel: “” contact_postal-code: “” image_link: “” street-address: “” locality: Zurich,
Task C workshop: Testing Centres
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess full_width_image_alt: “” latitude: “” content_width_image_alt: “” show_event_location: “1” contact_email: “” annex: electric-motor-systems category: Presentation email: “” contact_tel: “” full_width_image: “” manchet: Zurich, Switzerland tel: “” contact_postal-code: “” image_link: “” street-address: “” locality: Zurich,
Sustainable Buildings Workshop
The IEA will be hosting this workshop on November 12 – 13, 2014 at their offices in Paris. A major focus of the workshop will be dedicated to their buildings analytical methodology, data sources, model input
Strategies In Light – Europe
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “1” longitude: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” contact_postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” content_width_image_alt: “” postal-code: “” annex: solid-state-lighting email: “” full_width_image: “” category: Workshop organisation_url:
Standby Power Benchmarking report published
The analysis of a diverse number of datasets showing standby power performance from many products internationally is now available. The report focuses on 10 products or product categories; televisions, home audio, washing machines, microwave ovens, DVD and Blu-ray players/recorders, computer displays, notebook PCs, external power supplies, multifunction devices and set top boxes.
Standby of Smart Lamps – Second Report
Report Overview Smart lamps and luminaires are common in today’s lighting market. Smart lighting provides an opportunity for the consumer to benefit from wireless control of lighting products, e.g. by dimming, colour tuning and scheduling. These
Standby of Smart Lamps – First Report
Report Overview Smart lamps are an exciting new family of products which provide an opportunity for the consumer to benefit from smart services, better product quality and energy savings. Combining wireless communication, intelligent controls and light
SSL Management Committee – Sep
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “” longitude: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” contact_postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” content_width_image_alt: “” postal-code: “” annex: solid-state-lighting email: “” full_width_image: “” category: Meeting organisation_url:
SSL Management Committee – October
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_contact_information: “” category: Meeting locality: “” tel: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” contact_locality: “” full_width_image_alt: “” manchet: Teleconference email: “” latitude: “” longitude: “” content_width_image_alt: “” organisation_url: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” street-address:
SSL Management Committee – Nov
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_event_location: “” longitude: “” show_contact_information: “” contact_organisation_url: “” contact_postal-code: “” contact_locality: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” content_width_image_alt: “” postal-code: “” annex: solid-state-lighting email: “” full_width_image: “” category: Meeting organisation_url:
SSL Management Committee – May
NULL — !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess show_contact_information: “” category: Meeting locality: “” tel: “” contact_tel: “” image_link: “” contact_locality: “” full_width_image_alt: “” manchet: Teleconference email: “” latitude: “” longitude: “” content_width_image_alt: “” organisation_url: “” full_width_image_bgcolor: “” organisation: “” street-address: