
4E and CLASP combine to focus on compliance

Improved compliance with programs promoting energy efficient appliances is the focus of a new joint project between the IEA Implementing Agreement on Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment (4E) and the Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP) initiated in August 2009.

The project will engage national and regional governments and policy-makers to raise the perceived importance of this issue, increasing the capacity of energy efficiency programs to undertake MV&E activities and thereby achieve further energy and CO₂ savings.  The project will develop a better understanding of best practice in the area of establishing effective frameworks and sets of MV&E activities, and encourage the wide-scale adoption of best practice. Key objectives are to build a group of stakeholders around this issue able to share experience and develop expertise, to establish mechanisms to maintain awareness of this issue over a 3-5 year period, and to stimulate the continued transference of expertise and experience amongst interested parties.

This on-going project will be jointly funded and co-ordinated by the 4E Implementing Agreement and CLASP in its role as a ClimateWorks global Best Practice Network (BPN).